Welcome to The Delphi Community

by Metodix - Road to Futures

About Us

The Delphi Community is a network of futures research students and professionals who are interested in forecast, foresight, and anticipation. The community is focusing on futures research methods related to the delphi method.

Metodix Ltd. has been specialised in futures research and  the delphi method since 1998. Metodix Ltd. implements training and projects related to futures studies and organisational strategy and development work as well as keeps up a network platform in the Internet. Edelphi.org -platform has users in over 130 countries in all other continents except Antarctica.

Why You Should Join Us

Are you interested in the futures? Do you want to be up-to-date in whats happening in forecast, foresight and anticipation discussion at the moment? Do you want to learn to research the futures? Do you have a project where you need to take the futures into account? Does your organisation predict the futures for strategy and development work?

We are a community where you can learn, research, share and create futures together with other students and professionals.

Especially useful we are for edelphi.org -platform users, who can get ideas and solutions from other users as well as experienced facilitators.